Robed men on girls bikes!
I'm listening to: Mae- not really sure it's Jim's stuff.
So yesterday I went with Jim, Marie and Steve to NYC. It was good times. We got there around 10 stopped for some BK and then headed over to Times Square where I picked up some I <3 NY shirts for ultra cheap as well as a token I <3 NY pig which I'm sure my doormates will appreciate. Then we spent about two hours walking through Toys R Us looking at cars and legos and varrious other things. Marie and Steve went a little Beatle crazy and got about 10 matchbox cars, I did pretty good in that store I just got a plush Statue of Liberty Geffory and Jim got a plush of squirt from Finding Nemo.

After that we walked to Rockefeller plaza and saw NBC studios and their store (I walked away with a Saved by the Bell lunchbox) and then went to what was probably the best store ever. Nintendo World. I picked up a T-shirt and a Triforce and Pickachu pin there though I was tempted to get several other things. Oh and The Disney store had pirates!

We quit shopping after that and took a cab to the Met and spent about 3 hours looking through the Egyptian, American, and Asian art sections. Steve kept setting off the alarm and at one point I thought a gaurd was going to tell me and Jim off for eating where we shouldn't have been. He didn't though, instead he yelled at some 13 year old who was trampling through the plants. Score for distractions.

The sites were good though, we were going to go up to the Empire State Building after we ate at Jeckle and Hyde but by that time it was pretty late so we caught a train home. FYI- Jeckle and Hyde is this really strange horror themed resturant. It was actually really cool the only downside was that the burgers cost about 18 bucks so I wouldn't go there unless you're into that kind of thing.

Oh funny story. When we got there that morning we saw this man in some kind of Indian looking robes riding a pink little girls bike with streamers on the handles... Ten hours later, as we were leaving we saw the SAME guy ride past us on that bike.
All in all it was a kick ass day.
So yesterday I went with Jim, Marie and Steve to NYC. It was good times. We got there around 10 stopped for some BK and then headed over to Times Square where I picked up some I <3 NY shirts for ultra cheap as well as a token I <3 NY pig which I'm sure my doormates will appreciate. Then we spent about two hours walking through Toys R Us looking at cars and legos and varrious other things. Marie and Steve went a little Beatle crazy and got about 10 matchbox cars, I did pretty good in that store I just got a plush Statue of Liberty Geffory and Jim got a plush of squirt from Finding Nemo.

After that we walked to Rockefeller plaza and saw NBC studios and their store (I walked away with a Saved by the Bell lunchbox) and then went to what was probably the best store ever. Nintendo World. I picked up a T-shirt and a Triforce and Pickachu pin there though I was tempted to get several other things. Oh and The Disney store had pirates!

We quit shopping after that and took a cab to the Met and spent about 3 hours looking through the Egyptian, American, and Asian art sections. Steve kept setting off the alarm and at one point I thought a gaurd was going to tell me and Jim off for eating where we shouldn't have been. He didn't though, instead he yelled at some 13 year old who was trampling through the plants. Score for distractions.

The sites were good though, we were going to go up to the Empire State Building after we ate at Jeckle and Hyde but by that time it was pretty late so we caught a train home. FYI- Jeckle and Hyde is this really strange horror themed resturant. It was actually really cool the only downside was that the burgers cost about 18 bucks so I wouldn't go there unless you're into that kind of thing.

Oh funny story. When we got there that morning we saw this man in some kind of Indian looking robes riding a pink little girls bike with streamers on the handles... Ten hours later, as we were leaving we saw the SAME guy ride past us on that bike.
All in all it was a kick ass day.